Instituto de Geografía

Geografía UC

Categoría: Noticias

Professor of Geomatics and Digital Geography

Miércoles, 13 Octubre 2021 12:07


The Institute of Geography of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile is calling for a full-time professor position for teaching in Geomatics and Digital Geography and research in geomatics and its contribution to solve geographic problems. The applicant is required to have experience in methodological and theoretical approaches to geography and geomatics, as well as in the analysis of qualitative and quantitative spatial data. All this should be supported by publications in recognized journals of the discipline.

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Undergraduate or postgraduate academic training in Geography.

  • Academic degree of doctor or PhD; postdoctoral experience is desirable.

  • Registered teaching experience.

  • Fluency in Spanish and English.

  • Research related to Geomatics or new perspectives of Digital Geographies.

  • Mastery of the methodological and theoretical approaches of Geographic Information Science, and of the analysis of digital technologies and their role in society and geographic phenomena.

  • Technical mastery in the areas of GIS, Remote Sensing, Geostatistics, spatial statistics.

  • Proficiency in the following software: ArcGIS PRO, Open Source GIS, R, Google Earth Engine, satellite image processing.

The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile is consistently ranked as one of the top 5 universities in Latin America, and Geography at UC is among the top 50 places in the world to study Geography. Composed of an international highly productive group of academics, it is an outstanding place of research and professional training (undergraduate, master's and doctoral degrees). UC is committed to equal opportunities, building an inclusive, diverse and fraternal community, and promoting the academic careers of women and men. Foreigners who apply and are selected for this position and are residing outside of Chile must obtain the corresponding visa from the Chilean consulate in their country of residence before being able to assume the appointment. The University and the Institute offer support for the visa application process.

Applications should include a personal letter, a curriculum vitae, and a teaching portfolio that includes a summary of official student teaching evaluations of courses taught at universities and examples of course syllabi taught. They must also include their transcripts, official copies of their academic degrees, and three letters of recommendation to be sent directly to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla. by December 08, 2023. The start date of the position is March 1, 2024.