Instituto de Geografía

Geografía UC

Investigador Adjunto
Categoría: Investigador Adjunto

Mao, Luca

LMaoInvestigador Adjunto del Instituto de Geografia, y Senior Lecturer en la Escuela de Geografia de la Universidad de Lincoln (Reino Unido). Ph.D. en Manejo Integrado de Cuencas de la Universidad de Padua (Italia).

Su área de investigación se concentra en la geomoprfologia fluvial, hidrología, manejo integrado de cuencas hidrográficas. En investigación se ocupa primariamente de procesos geomorfológicos, transporte de sedimentos en los ríos, morfodinámica fluvial, impactos antrópicos en rios y manejo y restauración fluvial.

Proyectos recientes:

• 2017-2020: PI, CONICYT Fondecyt Regular: The flood memory of a river system: unravelling the role of unsteady flow and antecedent flows on sediment dynamics during floods.

• 2017-2020: Co-I, CONICYT Fondecyt Regular: Morphological impacts in rivers affected by volcanic eruptions. Chaiten and Calbuco: similar disturbance but different fluvial evolution?

• 2013 – 2016: PI, CONICYT Fondecyt Regular: Sediment dynamics and management in small Andean catchments;

• 2012 – 2014: PI, CONICYT-NSF: Effect of native forest replacement by pine plantations on biodiversity and ecosystem processes of Andean riparian and riverine habitats in the south of Chile.


Publicaciones desde 2015:

- Ruiz‐Villanueva, V., Mazzorana, B., Bladé, E., Bürkli, L., Iribarren‐Anacona, P., Mao, L., Nakamura, F., Ravazzolo, D., Rickenmann, D., Sanz‐Ramos, M., Stoffel, M., Wohl, E. (2019). Characterization of wood‐laden flows in rivers. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44(9), 1694-1709.

- Sandoval, J., Mignot, E., Mao, L., Pastén, P., Bolster, D., Escauriaza, C., (2019). Field and Numerical Investigation of Transport Mechanisms in a Surface Storage Zone. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 124(4), 938-959.

- Comiti, F., Mao, L., Penna, D., Dell'Agnese, A., Engel, M., Rathburn, S., Cavalli, M. (2019). Glacier melt runoff controls bedload transport in Alpine catchments. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 520, 77-86.

- Alcayaga, H., Palma, S., Caamaño, D., Mao, L., Soto-Alvarez, M. (2019). Detecting and quantifying hydromorphology changes in a chilean river after 50 years of dam operation. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 93, 253-266.

- Wilson, R., Harrison, S., Reynolds, J., Hubbard, A., Glasser, N.F., Wündrich, O., Iribarren Anacona, P., Mao, L., Shannon, S. (2019). The 2015 Chileno Valley glacial lake outburst flood, Patagonia. Geomorphology, 332, 51-65.

- Brenna, A., Surian, N., Mao, L. (2019) Virtual Velocity Approach for Estimating Bed Material Transport in Gravel-Bed Rivers. Water Resources Research, 55(2), 1651-1674.

- Ravazzolo, D., Mao, L., Escauriaza, C., Pasten, P., Montecinos, P. (2019) Rusty river: Effects of tufa precipitation on sediment entrainment in the Estero Morales in the central Chilean Andes. Science of the Total Environment, 652, 822–835.

- Rainato, R., Picco, L., Cavalli, M., Mao, L., Neverman, A.J., Tarolli, P. (2018) Coupling climate conditions, sediment sources and sediment transport in an Alpine basin. Land Degradation and Development. 29, 1154-1166.

- Khosravi, K., Mao, L., Kisi, O., Yaseen, Z.Y., Shahid, S., (2018) Quantifying hourly suspended sediment load using data mining models: Case study of a glacierized Andean catchment in Chile. Journal of Hydrology, 567, 165-179.

- Lacy, S. Ugalde, F. & Mao, L (2018) Invasive Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Are Not Affected by Different Land Uses in a Multi-Use, Mediterranean Climate Landscape. Fishes, 3(37), doi:10.3390/fishes3040037.

- Arrospide, F, Mao, L and Escauriaza, C (2018) Morphological evolution of the Maipo River in central Chile: Influence of instream gravel mining. Geomorphology, 306, 182-197. 

- Diodato, N., Mao, L. Borrelli, P., Panagos, P., Fiorillo, F., Bellocchi, G. (2018) Climate-scale modelling of suspended sediment load in an Alpine catchment debris flow (Rio Cordon-northeastern Italy). Geomorphology, 309, 20-28.

- Iroume, A., Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Mao, L. Barrientos, G., Stoffel, M. and Vegara, G. (2018) Geomorphic and stream flow influences on large wood dynamics and displacement lengths in high gradient mountain streams (Chile). Hydrological Processes, 32(17), 2636-2653.

- Lacy, S.N., Di Giminiani, P. & Mao, L. 2018. What defines a river? Modelling the interplay between physical and social driving factors in characterising the waterways in Chile. The Geographical Journal, 184, 342-356. DOI: 10.1111/geoj.12262.

- Mao, L., 2018. The effects of flood history on sediment transport in gravel-bed rivers. Geomorphology, 322, 196–205.

- Alcayaga H.A., Mao L., Belleudy P. 2017. Predicting the geomorphological responses of gravel-bed rivers to flow and sediment source perturbations at the watershed scale: An application in an Alpine watershed. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.,43(4), 894-908.

-  Rainato, R., Mao, L., Picco, L., 2017. Near-bankfull floods in an Alpine stream: effects on the sediment mobility and bedload magnitude. International Journal of Sediment Research, 33(1), 27-34.

- Mazzorana B., Ruiz-Villanueva V., Marchi L., Cavalli M., Gems B., Gschnitzer T., Mao L., Iroumé A., Valdebenito G., 2018. Assessing and mitigating large wood-related hazards in mountain streams: recent approaches. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 11(2), 207-222.

- Ravazzolo D., Mao L., Mazzorana B., Ruiz-Villanueva V. 2017. Brief communication: The curious case of the large wood-laden flow event in the Pocuro stream (Chile), Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 17(11), 2053-2058. 

Mao, L., Carrillo, R., 2017. Temporal dynamics of suspended sediment transport in a glacierized Andean basin. Geomorphology, 287, 116-125.

- Rainato, R., Mao, L., García-Rama, A., Picco, L., Cesca, M., Vianello, A., Preciso, E., Scussel, G.R., Lenzi, M.A., 2017. Three decades of monitoring in the Rio Cordon instrumented basin: Sediment budget and temporal trend of sediment yield. Geomorphology, 291, 45-56.

- Mao, L., Dell’Agnese, A., Comiti, F., 2017. F. Sediment motion and velocity in a glacier-fed stream. Geomorphology, 291, 69-79.

- Mao, L., Picco, L., Lenzi, M.A., Surian, N., 2017. Bed material transport estimate in large gravel-bed rivers using the virtual velocity approach. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42, 595-611.

- Belletti B., Rinaldi M., Bussettini M., Comiti F., Gurnell A.M., Mao L., Nardi L., Vezza P. 2017. Characterising physical habitats and fluvial hydromorphology: A new system for the survey and classification of river geomorphic units. Geomorphology 283, 143–157.

- Mao L., Ugalde F., Iroume A., Lacy S.N., 2017. The effects of replacing native forest on the quantity and impacts of in-channel pieces of large wood in Chilean streams. River Research and Applications, 33, 73-88.

- Picco L., Comiti F., Mao L., Tonon A., Lenzi, M.A. 2017. Medium and short term riparian vegetation, island and channel evolution in response to human pressure in a regulated gravel bed river (Piave River, Italy). Catena, 149, 760-769.

- Mao, L, Carrillo, R. Escauriaza, C. & Iroume, A., 2016. Flume and field-based calibration of surrogate sensors for monitoring bedload transport. Geomorphology, 253, 10-21.

- Sitzia, T., Picco, L., Ravazzolo, D., Comiti, F., Mao, L. Lenzi, M.A., 2016. Relationships between woody vegetation and geomorphological patterns in three gravel-bed rivers with different intensities of anthropogenic disturbance. Advances in Water Resources, 93, 193-204. 

- Ulloa, H., Iroumé, A., Picco, L., Mohr, C.H., Mazzorana, B., Lenzi, M.A. & Mao, L., 2016. Spatial analysis of the impacts of the Chaitén volcano eruption (Chile) in three fluvial systems. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 69.

- Picco, L., Sitzia, T., Mao, L., Comiti, F. & Lenzi, M.A., 2016. Linking riparian woody communities and fluviomorphological characteristics in a regulated gravel-bed river (Piave River, Northern Italy). Ecohydrology, 9, 101-112.

- Wilcox, A.C., Escauriaza, C., Agredano, R., Mignot, E., Zuazo, V., Otárola, S., Castro, L., Gironás, J., Cienfuegos, R. & Mao, L., 2016. An integrated analysis of the March 2015 Atacama floods. Geophysical Research Letters, 43 (15). pp. 8035-8043.

- Wainwright J., Parsons A.J., Cooper J.R., Gao P., Gillies J.A., Mao L., Orford J.D. & Knight P.G., 2015. The concept of transport capacity in geomorphology. Reviews of Geophysics, 53, 1155–1202, doi:10.1002/2014RG000474.

- Brardinoni, F., Mao, L., Recking, A., Rickenmann D., Turowski J.M., 2015. Morphodynamics of steep mountain channels. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40, 1560–1562, doi: 10.1002/esp.3742.

Ulloa H., Iroumé A., Picco L., Korup O., Lenzi M.A., Mao L., Ravazzolo D., 2015. Massive biomass flushing despite modest channel response in the Rayas River following the 2008 eruption of Chaitén volcano, Chile. Geomorphology, 250, 397–406.

- Dell'Agnese A., Brardinoni F., Toro M., Mao L., Engel M., & Comiti F., 2015. Tracing bedload transport in a high-elevation, formerly-glaciated mountain basin, Earth Surface Dynamics, 3, 417-458, doi:10.5194/esurfd-3-417-2015.

- Ravazzolo D., Mao L., Picco L. Sitzia T. & Lenzi M.A., 2015. Geomorphic effects of wood quantity and characteristics in three Italian gravel-bed rivers. Geomorphology, 246, 79-89.

- Bertoldi W., Welber M., Gurnell A.M., Mao L., Comiti F. & Tal M., 2015. Physical modelling of the combined effect of vegetation and wood on river morphology. Geomorphology, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.05.038

- Kaless G., Mao L., Moretto J., Picco L. & Lenzi M.A. 2015. The response of a gravel-bed river planform configuration to flow variations and bed reworking. Hydrological Processes. doi: 10.1002/hyp.10504.

- Ulloa H., Iroumé A., Mao L., Andreoli A., Diez S. & Lara L.E., 2015. Use of remote imagery to analyze changes in morphology and longitudinal large wood distribution in the Blanco River after the 2008 Chaitén volcanic eruption, southern Chile. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography. doi: 10.1111/geoa.12091

- Iroumé A., Mao L., Andreoli A., Ulloa H. & Ardiles M.P. 2015. Large wood mobility processes in low-order Chilean river channels. Geomorphology, 228, 681-693.

- Ravazzolo D., Mao L., Picco L. & Lenzi M.A., 2015. Tracking log displacement during floods in the Tagliamento River using RFID and GPS tracker devices. Geomorphology, 228, 226-233.